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About me ...
I live with my gamekeeper husband, our three children, numerous dogs, sheep, chicken and quail in the beautiful North Dorset countryside. I am a dairy farmer's daughter and have always loved all things country!
How The Keeper's Wife hatched...
Whilst on maternity leave with our first daughter, we had a bumper crop of runner beans. I persuaded my Gran to let me have her old recipe and I had a go at Runner Bean Chutney (now a best seller!). The results were delicious, so along with some other preserves I placed the jars for sale in our Beater’s Room. The feedback was great and before long we had Guns knocking on the door wanting to come in and buy some of ‘The Keeper’s Wife’s’ chutney. So it was hatched, The Keeper’s Wife's fledgling business!
Home grown…
Whilst hatching and rearing our own brood which quickly grew, so did business. We expanded our growing area to be able to keep up with demand. We now produce a large range of sweet and savoury preserves, made with home grown fruits and vegetables where possible. All made in the traditional ‘open pan’ method in small batches of around 14 jars or less at a time. Each batch is prepared, cooked, bottled and labelled entirely by hand.
We’re still growing …
Business that is (our own brood is complete!). Besides our own range of preserves and hampers we have teamed with other family businesses with a similar passion and knowledge of the countryside that inspires us. By doing so we now offer a totally unique shopping experience, all with us country folk and our way of life at the heart of it.
Best wishes …
Rachel Sprake
The Keeper’s Wife

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